Bring in Change Charity Challenge 2022

BiC Run for Change 2022,活動圓滿結束,感謝支持!
活動參加者由12歲至65歲,近一半參加的朋友能夠完成170km步行或跑步距離,掌聲鼓勵!感謝大家的嘗試及參與,希望大家也能享受運動帶來的樂趣,everyone is a winner!
是次活動共籌得HK$27,795,感謝有心人送出活動紀念品,所有籌得款項將不扣除成本全數用於Bring in Change的慈善活動。
This event aim to encourage everyone to exercise and drink more water in the sizzling summer. Age range of the participates from 12 to 65, and more than half of the participants has completed the challenge. It is a very motivating number and we are glad to see everyone is enjoying the fun in exercising. Everyone is a winner!
Thanks to everyone's support, this event has raised a total of HK$27,795. Thank you to those who have donated the event souvenirs. All the fund raised, without deducting any costs, will be used on Bring in Change's upcoming charity events.