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Champion for Change Award
Ageing Well, Dying Well
我們的項目得到香港社會工作人員協會 Hong Kong Social Worker Association 和 凱瑟克基金 Keswick Foundation 的肯定,獲得他們頒發的 Champion For Change Award – Ageing Well Dying Well Project,鼓勵以創新理念和實踐服務長者的慈善機構。項目進行了一年後,我們的計劃在七個得獎項目當中,進而獲得年度的 Impact Award。
Our project has won he Champion For Change Award – Aging Well Dying Well, given by the Hong Kong Social Worker Association and the Keswick Foundation, which encourages charities that serve the elderly with innovative concepts and practices. After a year of the project impanelment, we have further won the annual Impact Award among the seven award-winning projects.

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