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Bring in Change Charity Challenge 2022

Run for change v1 2.jpg

活動日期:1/8 - 31/8, 2022
目標:八月內跑步/遠足/步行 170公里, 歡迎一次或分階段完成
奬品:首100名完成者將獲贈 BringinChange 短袖T-shirt 一件


報名禮物:所有參加者皆可獲贈 BringinChange 磁力扣針一個

報名日期:即日至 30/8/2022

*報名費用將不扣除成本全數用作支持 BringinChange 的長者活動 (歡迎額外捐款!!!)

我們透過運動 (上門探訪體弱老友記陪伴他們做運動、每星期到公園舉辦老友記bootcamp晨運團、還有適合活躍長者參加的老友記跑步班) 及其他活動, 關注社區內長者的身體、心靈及社交健康, 歡迎熱愛運動的你加入成為義工!


多謝大家支持, 是次活動共籌得HK$27,795,感謝有心人送出活動紀念品,所有籌得款項將不扣除成本全數用於Bring in Change的慈善活動。

是次活動鼓勵大家在炎熱的八月繼續堅持多做運動多喝水,保持身心健康。活動參加者由20歲以下至60歲以上,近一半參加的朋友能夠完成170km步行或跑步距離,掌聲鼓勵!未能完成的朋友亦可以透過額外捐款獲得活動紀念品,感謝大家的嘗試及參與,希望大家也能享受運動帶來的樂趣,everyone is a winner!


Event Dates: 1/8 - 31/8, 2022

Goal: run, hike or walk 170km within August, in one go or multiple times

Prize: The first 100 finishers will receive a BringinChange T-shirt


Registration fee: HK$170

Registration gift: All participants will receive a BringinChange magnetic pin

Registration period: from now until 30/8

*The registration fee, without deducting the cost, will be used to support BringinChange’s elderly services (additional donations are welcome!!!)


We aim to improve the physical, mental and social well-beings of the elders in our community through sports (home visits with physical training for sedentary and weak seniors, weekly elderly bootcamp in the park, and running course for active elders). If you are a sports enthusiast like us, come volunteering with us!

Event summary:

Thanks to everyone's support, this event has raised a total of HK$27,795. Thank you to those who have donated the event souvenirs. All the fund raised, without deducting any costs, will be used on Bring in Change's upcoming charity events.

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